Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge
Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge
  • Видео 209
  • Просмотров 118 123
Boekentijdreis: Ontdek de geschiedenis van de Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge
Terugblik op de tentoonstelling op Erfgoeddag 2024
Maak kennis met de geschiedenis van de bibliotheek via de tijdlijn van illustrator Peter Goes en topstukken uit onze erfgoedcollectie. Van middeleeuwse manuscripten en boeken uit de eerste jaren van de boekdrukkunst tot historische kranten en prentenboeken van uitgeverij Desclée De Brouwer. Je kijkt je ogen uit bij zoveel boekenpracht!
Просмотров: 26


Richard Osinga over "Munt"
Просмотров 692 месяца назад
Boekenprogramma Lees Meer!, 17 maart 2024
Maud Vanhauwaert over "Tosca"
Просмотров 832 месяца назад
Boekenprogramma Lees Meer!, 17 maart 2024.
Gijs Wilbrink over "De beesten"
Просмотров 342 месяца назад
Boekenprogramma Lees Meer!, 17 maart 2024
Jeudboekenfeest 2024
Просмотров 1652 месяца назад
Ieder jaar organiseert de Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge het Jeugdboekenfeest, een gratis stadsfestival rond jeugdboeken en leesplezier. Het feest wordt altijd gekoppeld aan het centrale thema van de Jeugdboekenmaand. In 2024 was dat 'Sport en Spel'. Het Jeugdboekenfeest vond plaats op zondag 3 maart 2024.
Stadsschrijver Marieke De Maré in Het Warmste Dorp
Просмотров 634 месяца назад
Stadsschrijver Marieke De Maré schreef deze week een gedicht voor #dewarmsteweek2023 en dat ging ze gaan voorlezen in Het Warmste Dorp op 't Zand!
Mmmonk School - Circular Medieval Reading Strategies - The Liber Floridus
Просмотров 2235 месяцев назад
Dr. Jeroen Deploige and Dr. Wim Verbaal (Ghent University) propose a new reading strategy for the autograph of the Liber Floridus by Lambert of St-Omer: no longer solely as a linear composition, marked by an associative sequence of topics, chapters and illuminations, but as a circular composition, consisting of concentric layers and constructed around a specific central text (the Cur deus homo ...
Mmmonk School - A Workshop on the Use of Digital IIIF Images in education and research
Просмотров 9825 месяцев назад
Dr. Evelien Hauwaerts (Bruges Public Library) hosts a short version of the Mmmonk Workshop on the use of digital images in IIIF format in education, communication and research. This session is part of the Mmmonk School 2023 Webinars, an initiative by Bruges Public Library and Henri Pirenne Institute for Medieval Studies (Ghent University). Visit for more information on Mmmonk School a...
Mmmonk School - An Introduction to Medieval Cistercian Reading Culture
Просмотров 645 месяцев назад
Dr. Thomas Falmagne (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main) discusses how Cistercian abbeys played a significant role in the 'documentary revolution' of the central Middle Ages, concurrently with the swift construction of several of their libraries between the second half of the 12th century and the end of the 13th century. This session is part of the Mmmonk School 2023 Webinars, an initiative b...
Mmmonk School - An Introduction to Polyphonic Music Manuscripts
Просмотров 885 месяцев назад
Dr. Ann Kelders (Royal Library Belgium) presents the work of famous Franco-Flemish composers who dominated the European musical stage at the transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. The manuscripts with their works could be found in churches, chapels, as well as in the libraries of popes, princes, and citizens. Petrus Imhoff (a.k.a. Alamire) played an important role in the transmissi...
Mmmonk School - An Introduction to Biocodicology and Medieval Manuscripts
Просмотров 1055 месяцев назад
Dr. Élodie Lévêque (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) introduces the upcoming discipline of biocodicology, the study of the biological information stored in manuscripts. Biocodicology uses the biomolecular techniques of proteomics and genomics to study the materials used in the production of manuscripts, to further develop our knowledge about book production, livestock economies, handling, ...
Mmmonk School - An Introduction to the Human Experience in Medieval Books
Просмотров 1995 месяцев назад
Dr. Elaine Treharne (Stanford University) advocates for a holistic approach of books as objects-in-the-world, to tell the story of the book's life from the moment of its production to its use, collection, breaking-up, and digitization. This session is part of the Mmmonk School 2023 Webinars, an initiative by Bruges Public Library and Henri Pirenne Institute for Medieval Studies (Ghent Universit...
De Stadsschrijvers zijn vertrokken!
Просмотров 476 месяцев назад
Met een speciaal voertuig vertrokken ze naar hun eerste "Avond", het schrijfatelier in wasserette De Zwiermeulen.
Nele Van den Broeck over "Iemand anders"
Просмотров 1186 месяцев назад
Interview met Nele Van den Broeck tijdens Lees Meer!, het boekenprogramma van de Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge in het Brugse Concertgebouw, op 15 oktober 2023.
Bert Moerman over "Shampoo"
Просмотров 626 месяцев назад
Interview met Bert Moerman tijdens Lees Meer!, het boekenprogramma van de Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge in het Brugse Concertgebouw, op 15 oktober 2023.
Bewaargeving manuscripten Stichting van Caloen
Просмотров 11011 месяцев назад
Bewaargeving manuscripten Stichting van Caloen
Visualizing multi layered annotations
Просмотров 7411 месяцев назад
Visualizing multi layered annotations
Tülin Erkan
Просмотров 73Год назад
Tülin Erkan
Maaike Neuville
Просмотров 91Год назад
Maaike Neuville
Jaap Robben
Просмотров 316Год назад
Jaap Robben
Frouke Arns
Просмотров 112Год назад
Frouke Arns
Aya Sabi
Просмотров 94Год назад
Aya Sabi
Jeugdboekenfeest 5 maart 2023
Просмотров 104Год назад
Jeugdboekenfeest 5 maart 2023
Visualisering van IIIF annotaties op een middeleeuws manuscript
Просмотров 140Год назад
Visualisering van IIIF annotaties op een middeleeuws manuscript
Mmmonk School - An Introduction to Medieval Liturgical Manuscripts
Просмотров 298Год назад
Mmmonk School - An Introduction to Medieval Liturgical Manuscripts
Mmmonk School - An Introduction to Medieval Reading Culture: Boethius’ De consolatione philosophiae
Просмотров 158Год назад
Mmmonk School - An Introduction to Medieval Reading Culture: Boethius’ De consolatione philosophiae
Mmmonk School - An Introduction to the Analysis of Medieval Miniatures
Просмотров 169Год назад
Mmmonk School - An Introduction to the Analysis of Medieval Miniatures
Mmmonk School - An Introduction to Medieval Heraldry
Просмотров 128Год назад
Mmmonk School - An Introduction to Medieval Heraldry
Mmmonk School - An Introduction to Medieval Religious Communities in Flanders
Просмотров 105Год назад
Mmmonk School - An Introduction to Medieval Religious Communities in Flanders
Mmmonk School - An Introduction to Medieval Dates
Просмотров 103Год назад
Mmmonk School - An Introduction to Medieval Dates


  • @user-gt2yf5tr8j
    @user-gt2yf5tr8j 16 дней назад

    Well made video! Decade old & still low views.

  • @rntablette9388
    @rntablette9388 Месяц назад

    at that time, the language was named " flamish " , not dutch

  • @MonsieurChapeau
    @MonsieurChapeau Месяц назад

    11:39 what a beautiful song at the, the video does it good job of conveying the worldview of the time through books of hours

  • @user-ie1tz5rm8x
    @user-ie1tz5rm8x Месяц назад

    I used to get 6 candy bars fir a quarter ,osco drugs...

  • @neskebeks
    @neskebeks 3 месяца назад

    Het knappe aan het boek van Hilde van Mieghem vind ik dat ze qua vorm en taal dicht bij de personages is gebleven en dat ze zich niet heeft laten verleiden tot schoonschrijverij om de literaire wereld te pleasen. Dat de recensies die ik zag allen door mannen geschreven zijn vind ik vreemd bij zulk een vrouwenboek. Ik dacht :’Wow, eindelijk een boek over de WOII vanuit vrouwelijk perspectief.’✨👏🏾

  • @JelMain
    @JelMain 3 месяца назад

    I've worked with Till Holger Borchert resetting the context of van Eyck's Mystic Lamb / Levensbron against Dufay's L'Homme Arme as the quadrivium facets of Jan van Ruusbroec's van het geetelijken tabernakel. The context is in Professor Bernard Guenee's biography of Cardinal Pierre d'Ailly, where Ruusbroec's posthumous collection lands on Jean Gerson's desk for posthumous imprimatur - he notifies his mentor d'Ailly, and they realise that inverting the power structure of the Papal Concilium to restore Supremacy is needful. This fits HRE needs, so they convene the Council of Constance, and the HRE Burgundian Vassals team up with England to destroy Valois at Agincourt. Everything's on hold during Martin V's papacy, but when he's passed, the Windesheim graduate Eugenius IV takes up the ball, which is why there's a 50 year gap.

    • @Laurentio313
      @Laurentio313 Месяц назад

      The first sentence is probably the most extraordinary sentence I've ever read.

    • @JelMain
      @JelMain Месяц назад

      ​@@Laurentio313 Fine. I came upon it working on the rationale for the RC Eucharistic Renewal of the late 19th Century, when the last asset of the body behind it imploded on our neighbourhood. The foundress' hiistory, signed, came into my hands, and pointed straight back at Pope Eugenius IV, which invoked Dufay's Papal Coronation Anthem Ecclesie Militate, Church Take Arms!, putting a crusade against the Ottoman threat to the HRE Austro-Hungarian vassals on the table. He followed it up with L'Homme Arme, the greatest hit of all time, with around 80 remixes - Sir Karl Jenkins' Armed Man is currently #3 on ClassicFM's all-time Top 300. I then had a firm pointer towards the Levensbron in the Prado, which clearly spoke the same language, and the recent revalidation of the work based on the dendrochronology, putting it in the Parral at the same time van Eyck was on mission. We may have a lost original here, as it's visually about the same size as Eugenius' Eucharistic Chapel on Rue des Sols in Brussels. This was demolished in 1955, but not before an exact copy was built on Rue van Maerlant in Brussels: it's now the European Commission's chapel. There's probably a Doctorate on offer on the subject of van Eyck the Diplomat, if anyone's interested, go talk to Till. Both opuses are contemporary and matched Ruusbroec's Spiritual Tabernacle, leaving the author open: Professor Laura Smoller pointed me towards d'Ailly and Professor Bernard Scouller's biography in Beyond Church and State. Ruusbroec passed the ball in two directions, Gerardus Groot, Windesheim, Eugenius, Devotio Moderna, Enlightenment, and in his writings, Jean Gerson for theological placet. Gerson alerted d'Ailly, and he found common cause with the HRE. I'm currently researching the family, as Joan of Arc, who sinks the entire project, is from the same lineage. Till's counterpart for Dufay is Yale's Professor Craig Wright, in his The Maze and the Warrior. In 2020, he shifted from History of Music to head their new Genius School, and searching for the truth of my own persona led me to read his The Hidden Habits of Genius, and tick most of the boxes: as I played fair and demonstrated how his own work was part of a far wider vision, and considering I've a decent share of the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize, it's likely I qualify.

  • @mijntjederouwe8700
    @mijntjederouwe8700 3 месяца назад


  • @araucariapasquale1
    @araucariapasquale1 3 месяца назад

    What a wonderful production. Thank you.

  • @JB-yq9iw
    @JB-yq9iw 11 месяцев назад


  • @lloydcoleman6889
    @lloydcoleman6889 Год назад


  • @filmlover542
    @filmlover542 Год назад

    Very informative, nicely presented video. However, I wanted to have some information about the style the floral illuminations, initials, technique, materials used, and also to know about the binding process, not ONLY, exclusively about miniatures.! Unfortunately this part was completely ignored by the creators of this video.

    • @JelMain
      @JelMain 3 месяца назад

      The British Library runs a basic bookbinding day course, based around their restoration workshop. You can see from the spine it's conventionally bound, which may be anachronistic. Also The Archaeology of Medieval Bookbinding by J. A. Szirmai

  • @santhithielemans2795
    @santhithielemans2795 Год назад

    Hey lieve gast.. jij bent zo mooi en zo lief.. ik ben jaloers op jouw vriend.

  • @tammyleeder1176
    @tammyleeder1176 Год назад

    I am always pulled to the Book of Hours from Bruges at the Museum of Art in Columbia, SC. I really am enjoying getting some History on this Book. Not just sitting behind a case trying to figure it out. I do love walking thru their 27 galleries

    • @spackretired
      @spackretired 7 месяцев назад

      Was hat dieses hervorragende Erzeugnis europäischer Kultur in den USA zu suchen? Wer hat es gestohlen und dorthin gebracht? Warum wird es nicht zurückgegeben?

  • @shahryarpouyanrad6987
    @shahryarpouyanrad6987 Год назад

    Een bericht aan Kader Abdollah : Je wist ook niet wat je wilde. Je rolmodel was Che Guevara en Castro, maar je droomde ervan in Amerika te wonen. Rauwe jonge mensen zoals jij waren schadelijk voor de samenleving. jammer genoeg dat jullie ( kader abdollah en ook mensen zoals je ) onze beelden waren . jullie waren gevaarlijk voor de samenleving meneer kader abdollah . jullie begrepen niks van Marx en Engels . Jouw droom was in amerika wonen???? ach , jammer , je bent nog altijd aan het fout! liegen is nog niet genoeg tegen jezelf en deze folk ???? je bent van mij een charlatan! je en mijn broers waren in dezelfde politieke partij , tegen sjah en tegen Amerika en imperialisme jouw droom was dat je in amerika zou kunnen wonen (?) , mijn broers waren eerlijker dan jou en daarom hebben ze hun leven verloren. je kan mooi liegen, kader!!!

  • @salomemalherbe677
    @salomemalherbe677 2 года назад

    Wonderful !!! Modern society knows little or next to nothing about life during the Middle Ages. Thank you for a lovely bit of historical reality seen through the eyes of this extraordinary Book !! ❤

  • @mathieuvart
    @mathieuvart 2 года назад

    And nowadays, people treat books like shit because it is made cheap and not too costy.

  • @MH-ms1dg
    @MH-ms1dg 2 года назад

    beautiful! small question: is a noblewoman's hair supposed to be visible when wearing a hennin? i thought no...

    • @evelienhauwaerts4750
      @evelienhauwaerts4750 2 года назад

      Thank you! You are probably right... We were lucky to be able to borrow the dress and head gear from the BBC, who were shooting a production in Bruges, but we didn't borrow their stylist :-) And shaving my forehead was not an option for me :-D

    • @MH-ms1dg
      @MH-ms1dg 2 года назад

      @@evelienhauwaerts4750 wonderful nevertheless! lovely work!

  • @alisonwelch8465
    @alisonwelch8465 2 года назад

    satanic pagan deception. Jesus is king

  • @sandnerdaniel
    @sandnerdaniel 3 года назад

    Very nice production and great presentation! I would like to know more about the authors of those books. Was the text in those books always the same and codified for the purposes?

    • @evelienhauwaerts4750
      @evelienhauwaerts4750 2 года назад

      Thank you! The authors: most of these texts are anonymous. There was a set structure, but it allowed for variations (depending on period, region, commissioner...). If you want to learn more about the texts in books of hours, I can recommend reading Time Sanctified: The Book of Hours in Medieval Art and Life (Roger Wieck e.a.), Marking the Hours: English People and their Prayers 1240 - 1570 (Eamon Duffy), and this website:

  • @annemievanhauwermeiren5076
    @annemievanhauwermeiren5076 3 года назад

    Dank u Maud. Heel mooi om je nog eens te horen en te zien!

  • @annemievanhauwermeiren5076
    @annemievanhauwermeiren5076 3 года назад

    Mijn uitzicht is een inzicht

  • @ingestock90
    @ingestock90 3 года назад

    Ik kijk letterlijk door een voorruit (eigenlijk het raam aan de voorkant van het huis waartegen mijn bureau staat) als vooruitzicht...met kijk op de straat...links, rechts, overkant...meerkeuzezicht...

  • @johanmayeur987
    @johanmayeur987 3 года назад

    mijn uitzicht is een spaghettibord dat koud wordt / smakelijk straks ;)

  • @daemonscriptoris6668
    @daemonscriptoris6668 3 года назад

    Wow, wat een pracht! Bedankt voor de presentatie.

  • @kiekiek
    @kiekiek 3 года назад

    Bregje is met zichzelf in de knoop. Complexe vrouw die teveel de schuld geeft aan haar omgeving, specifiek mannen.

  • @reymicroc
    @reymicroc 3 года назад

    gibs me dat book

  • @andreasgieswinkel8082
    @andreasgieswinkel8082 4 года назад

    Moet je wel even vertellen wat je doet. Zo snap ik er niets van, ook al ziet het er mooi uit

  • @melodycrickett240
    @melodycrickett240 4 года назад


  • @leenlippevelde2168
    @leenlippevelde2168 5 лет назад

    En de boeken van Siv Lirpa? Hoe sorteer je die?

    • @Bibbrugge
      @Bibbrugge 5 лет назад

      ook op kleur, maar dan van achter naar voor.

  • @BrakeJiggs
    @BrakeJiggs 6 лет назад

    What about the a b c d e f g instead of Monday Tuesday Wednesday, and what about the letters before that

    • @Navili502
      @Navili502 4 года назад

      These were known as dominical letters, and they could be used to calculate which day was Sunday. If the first day of the month was a Tuesday, the calendar’s user would have to remember that A = Tuesday, B = Wednesday, C = Thursday, and so on for the rest of the month.

  • @tookclosely5480
    @tookclosely5480 6 лет назад

    thank you

  • @jonahspeelt889
    @jonahspeelt889 8 лет назад


  • @petermullaert3015
    @petermullaert3015 8 лет назад

    Prachtig in beeld gebracht, sfeervol geacteerd en muzikaal begeleid. Laten we hopen dat deze montage de interesse van velen kan wekken. Proficiat.

  • @hugovranckx4970
    @hugovranckx4970 8 лет назад

    Ik heb weer iets interessants bijgeleerd, dankjewel

  • @legofanguyvid
    @legofanguyvid 8 лет назад

    whats the first piece of music?

  • @TheSunship777
    @TheSunship777 10 лет назад

    the music is beautiful. What was the last piece?

    • @evelienhauwaerts4750
      @evelienhauwaerts4750 10 лет назад

      Thank you! The last piece is 'Wel up elc sin die vruecht begaert', performed by Pandora² and Ultreya ('s.html). It is an adaptation of one of the poems or songs in the Middle Dutch Gruuthuse manuscript.

    • @JelMain
      @JelMain 3 месяца назад

      @@evelienhauwaerts4750 Guaranteed to get Ruusbroec narked! Hadewijk's circle...

  • @bluntobjct
    @bluntobjct 11 лет назад

    belgian people are very clean

  • @DrMcFacekick
    @DrMcFacekick 11 лет назад

    They put it on a pillow but aren't using gloves?

    • @kungfuman1655
      @kungfuman1655 5 лет назад

      DrMcFacekick They use clean and dry hands to carefully hold each manuscript

    • @fakiirification
      @fakiirification 2 года назад

      gloves are incorrect for fragile old paper and parchment. you need to be able to feel the material to know how much pressure you are applying. gloves take away the tactile feedback which makes the human fingertip the most sensitive detecting device.

    • @GrumpyOldTroll
      @GrumpyOldTroll 5 месяцев назад

      @@fakiirification Wait, really? It's long made me cringe when seeing people on TV shows manipulate old manuscripts with ungloved hands. Sometimes one sees them using white gloves, which I had come to assume was the right thing to do.

    • @michaelvaughn2091
      @michaelvaughn2091 3 месяца назад

      Wearing gloves was accepted practice until several years ago when research revealed that gloves could actually lead to damage to the most fragile of manuscripts, and that little to no harm was posed by handling these materials with clean bare hands. (Most libraries and repositories of rare books stipulate that hands should be washed at regular intervals when interacting with them.)

    • @GrumpyOldTroll
      @GrumpyOldTroll 3 месяца назад

      @@michaelvaughn2091 Interesting, thank you.

  • @ladyarwynn
    @ladyarwynn 11 лет назад

    Very informative and wonderful, thank you for this production.

  • @levelien
    @levelien 11 лет назад

    For the English version of this documentary, search RUclips for 'books of hours Bruges'.

  • @Multikakman
    @Multikakman 12 лет назад

    hij stinkt naar piepie en kaka